Three ways to Give.
Forgot your checkbook? No cash in your wallet? On vacation or gone for the winter? Or, you just prefer to give electronically? No problem! We’ve have teamed with Vanco Giving Solutions, used by many United Methodist Churches across the country to make giving easier at Southern Hills!
APP Download the Vanco App at… Follow the donation instructions. You can make one time donations or set up recurring donations and donate to different funds.
AUTOMATIC WITHDRAWAL Funds can be automatically withdrawn from either checking or savings accounts. Authorization forms are available in the church office. Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit card, or credit card.
IN PERSON OR BY MAIL Place your gift in the offering plate during worship. Or mail to: 3400 E. 49th St. Sioux Falls, SD 57103 Thank you We are grateful for your commitment and generosity.
Sunday 8:30 AM Traditional Worship In-Person/Online Sunday 10:30 AM Contemporary Worship In-Person/Online
3400 East 49th Street Sioux Falls, SD 57103 (605) 371-2065